Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wordless Wednesday--Why Did You Do That To My Hair, Mom???


Rachel said...

He's soo cute - even if he's upset!

Rachel said...

That is absolutely adorable!! I love that he's mad about it, it makes it even more precious.
My monkey loves when I mess with his hair, and then he runs for sister's hairbrush and fixes it :-)

Jennifer said...

You mean, mean mommy! How could you make that sweet widdle bundle of wuv cry like that?!? ;O)

I have a junk spot too. Have you ever heard of the website It's a cool site and helps you get all of those junk spots taken care of and then helps you keep them taken care of! I need to revisit the site...lately my whole house seems like a junk spot!

Heidi said...

HAHA! I love that hairdo actually, you should keep it!

Steve & Amy said...

Too cute!