Sunday, November 1, 2009

Showering Tanner

It's probably not okay to give newborn babies a shower. They wouldn't appreciate having their sleep interrupted by a splash of water in the face. It is okay to shower them with gifts though. Even if the baby happens to be baby number four! Even a fourth kid deserves new stuff. :) Remember Tanner? The car baby? Today we showered him. With presents. Not water.

Tanner's beautiful mommy with the beautiful cake that I made all by myself

Look at this really fun quilt my sister Courtney made! Cute!
While Tanner was getting showered, Colter and his cousins were outside building a fort (?) out of leaves. Then Colter and my grandparents' dog--I think its name is Pepper--had some sort of discussion.

Which I believe led to a disagreement.So Colter buried the dog, whose name may or not be Pepper, with leaves.And Pepper did not seem to mind one bit. Nice Pepper. :)

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