Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Colter decided this year that he sort of likes fireworks but only from a distance. We were able to go to a couple of different displays, the first of which was put on by a man who works for a fireworks company. It was an awesome private display in the middle of nowhere with only a few local residents present, so we were able to get really close--in Colter's opinion too close! He did NOT enjoy the fireworks and thought they were way too loud. He spend most of the time cowering underneath a blanket, covering his ears, and begging to get in the truck. Towards the end of the display, he and I ended up hiding behind a house. Poor boy!

His experience at a second display was more successful. We stayed far enough away that while we could see most of the fireworks, we weren't so close they were deafening. That was more Colter's style.

Today, we shot off a few fireworks at Colter's grandparents' house, but he didn't really love the experience. Even snakes intimidated him a bit. I won't have to worry about him shooting bottle rockets at people or holding roman candles in his hands for awhile! :)

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